Baru je sudah tgk movie 2012...what should i say bout this movie?? g tgk kat alamanda dgn housemate...sampai2 je da berjujut jujut kete parking kt tepi jalan..jam mnunjukkan 12am..
masuk dlm tiket kul1230 and 1 pagi da SOLD OUT..yg tggal hnya lah reservation ticket..pergh...laku cam goreng pisang..Luckily we manage to get the tickets!!
masuk kul 1, kua kul 340 cmtu....
*Mayan's predicted that 2012 is the end of the world...semua planet berada diatas satu garisan yg sama..*
start dari awal smp ending, this movie can be rated as one of best movie ever..bcoz de pny side effect, jalan citer die,humanity...++ dgn family affair die, sgt best!!!
the storyline die le wat kite xsnang duduk..kadang2 nk ngelak pon de dari tkena batu2, api2 n so on yg nampak so real..myb grafik die xla sehebat Star Wars @ LOTR, tp still can be rated as great job...
pendek kata, cerita ni as worth as you paid...berbaloi-baloi..!!!